A uniquely tailored approach to growing your family...
While many women are not in the process of having babies or have already been down that road, some are still struggling with reproductive ailments and hormone dysregulation.
The menstrual cycle can be seen as an extension of our general health and wellbeing, therefore when the menstrual cycle is regulated it is common to see other conditions improve as well such as a reduction of pre-menstrual symptoms like pelvic cramps, bloating, irritability, backache, depression, headaches, cravings, nausea, and night sweats.
4 Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
Instet chart (peak fertility days and ideal)
The start of the menstrual cycle is considered day 1; indicating continuous flow of blood. This occurs when the blood is abundant and overflowing. By the end of the period all surplus blood is expelled and bleeding stops.
By day 7, the body has started to produce more energy and blood to replenish that which has been lost.
Around day 14 of the cycle the volume of blood is relatively full again and the body temperature increases. The additional body heat causes egg follicles to mature, resulting in ovulation.
From day 21, excess energy and blood continues to accumulate in the uterus creating a rich, nutritious endometrial lining in preparation for either receiving a fertilized egg or being expelled as a period. From day 28 the cycle begins again.
The arrival of the first period or menarche is a major transitional event in a female’s reproductive life. It is one of the many physical signs that indicate the transition from childhood into womanhood. This transition is very precious in Chinese Medicine. It should be guarded and nurtured with love and attention for it plays a vital role in promoting healthy reproductive function and is the base from where a young woman will someday bear children.
According to Chinese medicine, after the age of 7 a young girl’s digestion starts producing and storing a daily excess of energy and blood. By the age of 14, she is building sufficient energy and blood to sustain all her physical needs as well as an excess that ‘accumulates’ and is stored in her uterus. After the arrival of her first menstruation, every 28 days this surplus is discharged as a menstrual period, hence the importance of diet in women's health.
Most women will probably experience at least one or more irregular menstrual cycles at some point in their lifetime. However, if irregularities continue it could suggest an internal imbalance and needs to be harmonized. A woman’s life can be significantly disturbed by these problems and if not given the necessary attention, and can contribute to many conditions including infertility. Some believe that menstrual irregularities are a normal part of life and will eventually resolve themselves. Though, irregular, absent, painful, frequent, infrequent, heavy or light menstrual periods are not usually considered normal and do not always resolve by themselves.
Pain and cramping before or during menstruation
Irregular or painful menstruation (Dysmenorrhea)
No periods or Amenorrhea
Cervical Dysplasia
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Emotional fluctuation
Breast tenderness
Recurring yeast infections or bacterial vaginitis
Menopausal symptoms
Postpartum depression
Morning sickness
Insufficient lactation
In general, menstruation should be painless and accompanied by minimal pre and post menstrual signs and symptoms. Chinese medicine indicates the blood should be of sufficient volume, a rich, fresh color, and free from clots.
Under “normal” circumstances women will have an established, regular 28 day menstrual cycle. This cycle reflects the pattern of buildup and breakdown of the endometrium, or nutritious lining of the uterus. The monthly purge of "old" blood and nourishment makes way for new nourishment and blood and is a perfect system of biological cleansing designed to maintain optimal reproductive health.
While experiencing headaches or hot flashes, it can be hard to find "the goddess within." According to Chinese Medicine, the Chong Mai channel is most affected with menopause. This channel strongly influences the Qi and blood and flows from the heart to the uterus and reproductive system. During a woman's childbearing years, this channel primarily moves downward to promote the movement of blood during menstruation, nourishment to the baby during pregnancy, and movement of the baby through the birth canal during labor and delivery. At menopause with the end of the menses, the Chong Mai channel reverses its flow and the Qi and blood gather to nourish the heart in order to foster cultivation of the inner self.
Nearly 50% of women in the U.S. will be in menopause by 2015. Because peri-menopause is often anticipated as a difficult time, women may begin taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) without carefully considering the risks of long term hormonal medications. Chinese medicine offers a safe approach that helps smooth the hormonal transition, decreasing uncomfortable symptoms and helps the body and mind to regain balance.
Menopausal symptoms treated:
Irregular menstruation
Night sweats
Osteopenia and osteoporosis
Poor memory
Urinary problems
Vaginal dryness and infections
Heavy menstrual periods
Hot flashes
Move beyond the one size fits all approach and find success with holistic and specialized acupuncture and herbal treatment, tailored to your specific hormones. The western medicine approach and quick fix for PCOS and its many symptoms unfortunately often leave many women feeling lost and frustrated. Andrea’s approach focuses on addressing the root cause of YOUR unique presentation by utilizing a variety of holistic tools to positively impact your health, physically, mentally and emotionally.
In treating women with PCOS, one of the many goals of acupuncture in addition to hormonal and metabolic support, is to improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. This can not only help improve egg quality by nourishing the environment on which those eggs do all of their development and maturation but reduce the tendency to congestion and inflammation that lead to chronic pelvic pain.
We first start with an in-depth consultation to dive deep in to your health history and unveil the various factors that may contribute to dysfunction and chronic pain. We will examine all aspects of menstruation such as color, quality, and quantity of flow, presence, persistence and levels of pain, along with key components that may be associated such as digestive issues, mood imbalances, fatigue, fertility problems, sleep and stress. Endometriosis is affected by so many factors; I work closely with patients to customize a dynamic plan that incorporates all of these important aspects including stress management, an anti-inflammatory diet, the right amount and type of exercise, targeted supplements, Chinese herbal therapy, and regular acupuncture.
A note on fertility….
As one of the leading causes of infertility, endometriosis causes obstruction in the reproductive tract such as blocked tubes, scar tissue, endometrial cysts that can thus effect egg quality, ovulatory function, and cerate a generally hostile uterine environment. Working on improved pelvic circulation and reducing inflammation through acupuncture, herbs and holistic recommendations is vital to promoting a healthier reproductive environment and proving your chances of healthy conception.